Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ruidoso & Amarillo

After leaving Silver City we went to Ruidoso, NM and then to Amarillo, TX. Ruidoso is a small mountain town in east-central New Mexico – noted for horse racing, casino gambling, and cool weather. And Billy the Kid. And chain-saw sculptures, mainly of bears.  The Spencer Theater is here – a highly respected theater for live productions.

Casino Entrance
Casino Interior

Our next stop was Amarillo,TX  to visit our daughter Dianne and husband King Hill, and dear friends Cecil and Sandy Hawkins. We got to see the sculpture King commissioned for Dianne to honor her many years of work at Opportunity School, a local nonprofit pre-school. Dianne is now the Office Mgr. for a Presbyterian children’s home, and King just retired from teaching and directing high school drama classes. 
John got to help Cecil move a house!  This is Cecil’s newest business after retiring from teaching (after retiring from the Navy).  During our visit a few years ago, we dismantled a helicopter! I can’t wait for our next visit and our next adventure.

Dianne and Sculputure
Dianne, John, Joyce at Palo Duro Canyon

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